
Unfolding literacy


At A Tale Unfolds, our dream is to unite traditional primary literacy teaching with digital skills to equip pupils for 21st century success. Founded by primary school teachers, we love showing schools how easy it is to bring the traditional primary classroom up to date using tablets.

Through classroom resources and staff training, we have now been used in well over 2000 classrooms. Teachers report triple the average rate of pupil progress in English along with incredibly high levels of engagement. In order to achieve these results, our approach is simple: use video and digital creation as the carrot to get pupils practising the traditional skills of writing and reading more than ever. By making the work pupils do in the classroom relevant to their digital experience of life, increased levels of pupil progress and engagement naturally follow.

We now have over 200 hours of KS1 and KS2 English and ICT resources matched to the national curriculum. Using these resources, pupils make films or interactive books in order to showcase their literacy work. In the last year alone, we have also trained over 2500 teachers in the skills needed to deliver the kind of pupil progress in English that makes headteachers jump for joy.

At Bett, we’ll be on stand 44 in the Bett Futures area, looking forward to showing schools how they can deliver true third space learning: where the classroom walls melt away allowing young minds to grow exponentially. 

Website: https://www.ataleunfolds.co.uk/

Twitter: @ataleunfolds