
Making spelling easy for the child and teacher!


With the core skils high on the Government’s agenda, at Bett 2017 we will be launching our new SpellBots app; designed to make the learning of spelling more effective and engaging.

We encourage schools to use the app at home and school, making spelling a fun part of the day.

However we were very aware that if the learning took teachers too much time in terms of planning, setting up and managing it wouldn’t be used. Our aim therefore, has been to save teachers time, time that could be spent on other important areas of the curriculum. The SpellBots app provide built in schemes based on different spelling curriculums from around the world as well as the option for schools to import their own scheme.

Pupils use the app to practice their weekly spelling list, which can be an individual, group or class list, and then take the test when they are ready. The system automatically moves them on to the next list when they are ready. Progress is rewarded with digital stickers at set milestones such as their first ‘perfect score’.

Their ‘Problem Words’ list keeps track of words they have had difficulty with and enables them to practice these in isolation. 

The generated reports allow for teachers to keep track of learning, to look for patterns and to adapt their teaching where necessary. The parental access allows parents to keep track and as the list is online, no lists get lost on the way home.

We look forward to meeting you on stand 28 in the Bett Futures area of Bett.

Website: https://www.mightymango.ltd/

Twitter: @MightyMangoLtd