BSNG members create and/or supply materials that enhance and support the education of learners of all ages and abilities whose lives and education, in their broadest sense, need extra or specific support.

The group represents suppliers and/or manufacturers from all sectors of the education market supplying products and services that are designed, or are used, to help those who need additional learning support of whatever nature, whether physical, mental, or a combination of both, into schools and other educational institutions, large and small. The range of products and services offered by member companies caters for all ages and abilities, and includes the gifted and talented.

The companies that form BSNG range from large corporations to small organisations often set up and run by teachers, advisers or parents who have been involved in the process of delivering learning to individuals or groups of children, students and young adults with learning difficulties.

Who are BSNG members?

2Simple SoftwareGL AssessmentPlum Innovations
CapitaGreenhouse LearningSpeech Link Multimedia Ltd
Charanga LtdDynamo MathsTexthelp Ltd
Churchfield Education ProductsJudicium EducationTTS Group Ltd
Classroom SecretsKinteractWordshark
Community PlaythingsLearning Resources Ltd 
Crossbow Education LtdKit For Kids 
Dolphin Computer Access LtdOxford University Press 
Earwig AcademicPearson 
Findel EducationPhonic Books Ltd 


The next meetings will be

30 October, approximately 11:00-13:00