
What the General Election means for BESA and Educational Suppliers

17 June 2024

Ahead of the General Election on 4 July, BESA will be hosting a webinar exclusively for BESA members covering the key announcements from the Liberal Democrat, Conservative, and Labour manifestos.


11am - 12:30pm


This event will
be hosted as a
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Free for BESA members only

Ahead of the General Election on 4 July, BESA will be hosting a webinar exclusively for BESA members covering the key announcements from the Liberal Democrat, Conservative, and Labour manifestos.


Members will have the opportunity to hear from BESA’s Policy Manager Peter Doyle, and Public Affairs consultant Anna Wolffe, on key announcements and how they could impact members. Anna and Peter will be covering areas of Education, Business, Trade and Foreign Policy to dissect how the different approaches by the main political parties could affect the educational suppliers sector.

The session is expected to last for 1hr 30mins, leaving plenty of opportunity for members to ask questions and debate what they think are the risks and opportunities lie ahead after 4 July.

We look forward to having you join us for an enlightening and enriching experience!

Members who are unable to join will be able to obtain a recording of the session.



  • Introduction of panel and session overview
  • Round-up of campaigns thus far
  • Key pledges and manifesto commitments
  • Polling 
  • Takeaways from suppliers
  • Q&A session


With over two decades of experience in politics and a deep understanding of parliamentary affairs, Anna Wolffe will offer her expert analysis on party policies and psephological trends leading up to polling day.


Peter Doyle is a Policy Manager at the British Educational Suppliers Association. Before joining BESA, Peter previously worked for an EdTech start-up, developing products and curricula for the primary sector.


If you have any questions, please email eventsteam@besa.org.uk. 

About BESA.