Please fill out this form to supply BESA with the requested information. This will help us share relevant resources with each department throughout your BESA membership.

Primary Contact

This contact will be BESA's main point of contact. They will be responsible for signposting the appropriate colleagues to access various membership benefits and to coordinate timely payment of membership/subscription fees.

Senior Leadership Contact

This contact will receive invitations to the BESA CEO Roundtable series, and and key industry networking events such as our Summer and Winter Insight Days.

Your company's Senior Leadership Contact may hold one of the following titles:

- Founder/Co-Founder



- Managing Director

- Head of UK Education

If you'd like to share more than one contact, please get in touch with us at members@besa.org.uk.

Marketing Contact

A contact from your marketing team will help us reach out with marketing opportunities and allow personalised collaboration opportunities that support raising your profile within members and school representatives, including receiving market intelligence and discounts.

Sales Contact

The sales contact will receive news and information about bespoke opportunities such as relevant tenders, invitations to training events, exhibitions and customer-facing opportunities, and receive market intelligence.

Accounts Contact

For any information regarding BESA-related payments or invoices, our finance team will be in touch with this contact.

International/Export Representative

This contact will receive information around international opportunities, exclusive trade missions, business development opportunities and international research or policy updates.

BESA Barometer Contact

This contact will be responsible for sharing sales forecasts and benchmarks towards BESA's quarterly Barometer Survey. The Barometer is a snapshot of market performance, enabling member to benchmark sales against the broader market.