
Curriculum Conference

23 February 2023

Curriculum policy has been in a state of flux for many suppliers in education. The development of the Curriculum Fund, the emergence of Oak National Academy, and budgetary restraints caused disruption.


9:30am - 4pm


One Park Crescent
229 Great Portland Street
W1B 1SH View Map


From £150 + VAT and fees

Curriculum policy has been in a state of flux for many suppliers in education. The development of the Curriculum Fund, the emergence of Oak National Academy, and budgetary restraints caused disruption.


BESA's Curriculum Conference 2023 will provide a forum through which education professionals, key policymakers, research bodies, and suppliers can meet to share effective practices and consider what lies ahead. 

Explore aspects including the following…

The science of learning that underpins effective curriculum implementation...and what this means for service providers within the sector. 

The quality and relevance of the content we teach our students is extremely important, but how we structure and deliver this learning is absolutely crucial. Without a deep understanding behind the science of learning and the conditions that create long term learning (and not just short term performance) then we will only be scratching the surface of what is possible when it comes to learning. In this session Jon will break down some of the historical barriers of long and complex academic research and provide delegates with a concise understanding of the science of learning and how they can design and develop services with this science of learning at their heart.

Exploring climate and sustainability as part of a broad and balanced curriculum and the evolution of the new GCSE in Natural History.

For over a century the UK been a pioneer in the study of Natural History. From the archaeology expeditions which coined the term Dinosaur to the globally loved Natural History documentaries of today. Hear from the creators of the new Natural History GCSE (launching in 2023) as we set to understand not just what students will be learning but why it's so critical that they do.

A Journey into Space - What makes an effective learning environment in which to deliver the curriculum? Sponsored by Gratnells Ltd.

The design of a learning space is crucial when delivering a curriculum.  Whether it is furniture, wall displays, seating arrangement, lighting etc.                  Hear from experts and teachers, as they explore the fundamentals of effective classroom design to enhance curriculum delivery.

Exploring the role of technology in exams and assessment.  How do we assess the curriculum - now and in the future? Findings from Pearson's research on digital assessment.  

Explore findings from the study.

What have changes to the Early Years framework meant for curriculum provision?  

Updated in 2021, the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework sets the standards that all early years providers must meet. This is to ensure that children learn and develop well, are kept healthy and safe, and have the knowledge and skills they need to start school.  Our speakers will discuss how to ensure effective provision in Early Years settings, what consider what resources and services are helping settings in the private and maintained sectors to address the needs of the revised framework. 

Wellbeing across the Curriculum - how is it being effectively resourced?  

The Ofsted framework requires Ofsted inspectors to routinely assess and report on pupils' mental health and wellbeing under the key judgement area of personal development. Importantly this includes aspects such as resilience, confidence, independence, and how to keep mentally healthy.  Hear from our expert panellists regarding the issues facing schools. Suppliers will learn how to support education settings and ensure that their curriculum meets the rigorous standards needed to address the needs of the pupils in their care.

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Meet the keynote speaker - Jon Tait

Jon Tait is Deputy CEO and Director of School Improvement at the Areté Learning Trust comprising of three large secondary schools and sixth form colleges in North Yorkshire. Prior to this role, Jon had worked in three different and diverse North East Schools for 20 years, with 15 of those being as a school leader in various senior leadership positions. Most recently as Deputy Headteacher and Director of Teaching School, Jon was responsible for the strategic leadership of teaching and learning, professional development, initial teacher training and external school to school support. Jon has significant experience in contributing to system leadership via his extensive professional network of education professionals around the world. Jon’s innovative approach to school and organisational leadership challenges the habits that have gone before, looking at ways to improve education through change management.

Meet the Chair - Jane Harley

Jane Harley was, until January, Policy and Partnership Director at Oxford University Press for UK Education, and actively involved in the Oxford Language Reports, focusing on narrowing the word gap. She has nearly 40 years’ publishing experience in primary and secondary education, print and digital, both for the UK and overseas and believes passionately in the importance of supporting teachers with the best pedagogies, programmes and professional development to improve learning and engagement.  Jane has been Chair of the Education Publishers Council, and a member of the BESA Executive Committee. She has just retired, but continues to take a deep interest in the world of education. 


09.30-09.55 - Welcome and refreshments

09.55-10.00 - Introduction from the Chair. Jane Harley, Former Policy and Partnerships Director, Oxford Education. 

10.00-10.45 - The science of learning that underpins effective curriculum implementation... and what this means for service providers within the sector. Jon Tait, Director of School Improvement and Deputy CEO, Areté Learning Trust.

10.45-11.30 - Exploring climate and sustainability as part of a broad and balanced curriculum and the evolution of the new GCSE in Natural History. Tim Oates CBE - Group Director of Assessment Research & Development, Cambridge University Press & Assessment, Christine Özden, Global Director of Climate Education, Cambridge University Press & Assessment.

11.30-12.15 - A Journey into Space - What makes an effective learning environment in which to deliver the curriculum? Sponsored by Gratnells Ltd. Terry White - Chair, Association for Learning Environments, Bhavini Pandya - Co-Director, Planning Learning Spaces in Practice Gratnells Ltd, Mel Shute, Headteacher, Trumpington Park Primary School, Anna Patuck, Teacher, Trumpington Park Primary School.

12.15-1.30 - Lunch and networking 

1.30 - 2.15 - Exploring the role of technology in exams and assessment. How do we assess the curriculum - now and in the future? Findings from Pearson's research on digital assessment. Hayley White, Assessment Director, Pearson.

2.15 - 3.00 - What have changes to the Early Years framework meant for curriculum provision? Carol Shephard, Head of Early Years, KCS, Zoe Raven, Chief Executive, Acorn Early Years Foundation, Carole Jacques, Headteacher, Earlham Nursery School, Earlham Early Years Centre, Norwich, Michael Freeston, Director of Quality Improvement, Early Years Alliance.

3.00 - 3.20 - Refreshments and networking

3.20 - 4.00 - Wellbeing across the curriculum - how is it being effectively resourced? Sponsored by youhq. Kelly Hannaghan, Mental Health Consultant, Mind Work Matters, Jonathan Baggaley, CEO, PSHE Association, Phil Berry, Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum), St. Martin's School, Discovery Educational Trust, Nadim Saad, Founder and Chief Happiness Officer, The Happy Confident Company, Jon Ford, Founder and CEO, Life on Time Ltd.

4.00 - 4.05 - Closing remarks from the Chair. Jane Harley, Former Policy and Partnerships Director, Oxford Education. 

4.15 - 6.15 - Networking drinks downstairs at The Thirsty Scholar - first round on BESA!

Feedback from the 2022 BESA Curriculum Conference… 

  • 'The quality of the speakers was excellent and their presentations were thought-provoking. Exactly what you need from a conference!' Deborah Hurley, Regional Education Manager, Keys Group
  • 'It's great to be able to see policy-makers, current practitioners, and organisations that support the education sector brought into the same space to discuss and debate our shared goals and priorities, and the challenges we face'. Lee Newman, Education Publisher, Harper Collins.
  • 'Hearing from a range of stakeholders in the education sector, from DfE to Trusts and teachers gave me a fantastic opportunity to build a picture of the current and future education landscape. The day also gave me plenty of opportunities to meet with previous colleagues and make new connections. Thanks to BESA for a great format and well-organised day!' Alexandra Riley, Senior Strategy Manager, Pearson. 


If you're interested in sponsoring opportunities with this or any other BESA event, please contact paul@besa.org.uk.

About BESA.