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TTS advice service helps Early Years setups


Thursday, 25 September


Mark Rosser




TTS are able to offer settings great advice and support with building and expansion projects. They can help you create the perfect learning location, either indoors or out with specialist ranges to excite and engage. This complimentary service is bespoke to each individual setting, whether it is a nursery, a new build, a pre-school or re-locating a new classroom.


The team have a depth of knowledge, not only of the EYFS requirements but practical considerations. They understand that the needs of the individual child must be met, whilst also considering budgets, how best to use your space and time constraints.

TTS offer their own unique and innovative resources which are designed by educationalists and are tested to meet exacting criteria. Most importantly, they are designed to meet the children’s developmental needs.

Commenting upon the service, Frida from Little Hands Pre-School says,


“TTS came recommended from the local authority. We needed assistance putting together an equipment list for a grant application for a new pre-school. I was impressed with how I was able to book an appointment to discuss our requirements and budget.  I was even more impressed with how they were able to produce an equipment list within a day, to cover all the 7 areas of learning within the EYFS which took huge burden off me. Brilliant service :)!”

To find out more about this service visit or to arrange an appointment contact TTS on 0800 051 7589 or email


For reviews, features, testing or competition opportunities please contact Ros Harker @ Vivid Communications on 0114 274 5691 or email

Vivid Communications – Public Relations, Marketing Consultancy, Advertising & Design
Rosalind Harker
Vivid Communications
60 Norton Park Road, Norton, Sheffield S8 8GQ

0114 274 5691