
Characteristics of a successful teacher

This is a series of occasional blogs by BESA members and is part of their paid membership service. These views are not necessarily those of BESA and a published blog does not constitute an endorsement.

We are surrounded by constant messaging about striving to improve and making the world a better place. Whether it be in the economy, health or education. Everybody strives to improve, the difference between success and failure is the individual’s ability to feel in control and embrace change.

“When teachers feel in control, supported by their school leaders their resilience and self-confidence can bloom. They can fight stress, resist burnout, and stick with teaching longer.” Klassen and Chiu (2011)

“Every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.” Wiliam (2014)

 Characteristics of a successful teacher

  • Know one’s self – ability, belief, doubts and self-worth.
  • Create a climate where you are surrounded with ‘critical’ friends. Embrace failure as normal and having too much confidence is not a good thing.
  • Be prepared to improve by reading evidence and using social networks.

“Expert teachers quickly recognise sequences of events occurring in the classroom.” Hattie (2003)

“School leaders who give teachers targeted feedback in a climate of trust, alongside the time to reflect on their practice, best promote confidence amongst teaching staff.” Waters, Marzano and McNulty (2004)

What We Do…

With all of this in mind, our school improvement tool, SchooliP supports teacher development. Our solution maximises the value of appraisals and helps teachers to be successful. This is achieved via skills audits using the teachers’ standards. Lesson observations carried out in real time and comprehensive CPD management helps teachers to build a comprehensive portfolio of their development.

Structure helps successful teachers to identify improvement opportunities more readily. SchooliP also encompasses self-evaluation forms and school development planning. We are proud to support schools and teachers to achieve their potential.

Getting in Touch

If you have not encountered SchooliP before and would like to receive a demonstration, please get in touch. Call 0333 0433 450 (option 2), email: info@derventioeducation.com or click here to book a demonstration.

If you are an existing SchooliP customer, please remember that our customer care team are on hand to assist you. Call 0333 0433 450 (option 1), email: customercare@derventioeducation.com or click here to explore our further support options.