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TTS take robots roaming in the woods


Wednesday, 17 June


Mark Rosser





tts_robots.jpgThe children from Mapplewells Primary and Nursery School, Nottinghamshire had a Forest School class with a difference.

Miss Christie, Head of Forest School, encourages outdoor learning through weekly Forest School lessons and has the children out in all weathers. “Our Classroom without a roof” as Miss Christie calls it.

They teamed up with one of Europe’s leading education resource suppliers, TTS Group Ltd, who are based in the East Midlands, and set off on an adventure with Blue-Bot® (EL00485), a programmable robot that children love to play with whilst learning early programming skills.

The children were encouraged to collect sticks and leaves to create a path for Blue-Bot® to navigate through before building a den for him to live in. The children tried out different commands to move Blue-Bot® along the path; forwards, backwards, left and right sending Blue-Bot® through their stick trail and safely back to the cosy den they had made.tts_robot_2.jpg

The children loved the session, meeting Blue-Bot® and through play have learnt new programming and coding skills in the process.

Miss Christie said: “It has been a great and exciting experience to promote skills and team building during a Forest School session. Our children have loved it. We are looking forward to carrying out further activities with Blue-Bot® at future Forest School sessions and within school.”

Charlotte an enthusiastic mum and employee at TTS confirmed that they too also had a lovely afternoon with the children. “It was lovely to see how they interacted with Blue-Bot®, and how easily they took to logically sequencing him forwards, backwards, left and right along the stick trail. It encouraged the children to work together to create and learn basic programming skills.”

If you would like more information about Blue-Bot® please visit


Notes to Editors

About TTS

TTS has 30 years experience in developing, manufacturing and supplying high quality educational resources suitable for Early Years right through to KS3 to schools and parents across the UK and worldwide. Each year TTS has more than 1,000 conversations with teachers and practitioners, creating over 500 teacher ideas in-house to ensure it remains close to its customers and market.

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