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3P Learning shortlisted for historic double hat-trick of BETT Awards


Tuesday, 24 November


Mark Rosser


Member News


Following its unprecedented double award win at BETT 2015, 3P Learning has been shortlisted for no fewer than six 2016 BETT Awards – which is in turn understood to be the first time any company has ever been shortlisted more than five times for the BETT Awards in a given year.

Considered by many as the most esteemed accolade in the industry, the Bett Awards provide a showcase of resources and companies that seek to provide educators with the information, ideas and inspiration that are fundamental to the learning process.

The BETT Awards are a celebration of the inspiring creativity and innovation that can be found throughout technology for education. The awards form an integral part of BETT each year, the world’s leading showcase of education technology solutions. The winners are seen to have excelled in ICT provision and support for schools, with a clear focus on what works in the classroom.

In the’ Primary Digital Content – core subject content’ category, 3P Learning is represented no fewer than three times, for each of its Mathletics, Spellodrome and Reading Eggs resources, for numeracy and literacy respectively.

IntoScience, 3P’s ground-breaking digital resource for Secondary schools is also shortlisted for two awards: ‘Secondary Digital Content’ and ‘Best Whole Course Subject Curriculum Resource’ (won last year by Mathletics).

Finally, 3P Learning itself is a finalist in the much coveted ‘ICT Company of the Year (over £3m turnover’ category – which it won in 2014.

Speaking on the awards, Jayne Warburton, CEO, 3P Learning Europe & Middle East said “Following our unprecedented double win in 2015, we are delighted to have once again been named as finalists in the prestigious BETT Awards – and to be shortlisted a record six times is fantastic!  It is especially pleasing that all four of our resources have been recognised, as well as 3P Learning itself. Being shortlisted for such accolades is a great endorsement of the educational impact our resources are having on learners across the UK and beyond.”

Mathletics is a digital resource used by more than 5,000 schools across the UK. It is proven to increase levels of pupil engagement, confidence and motivation and improve results in maths.

Recent independent research by the University of Oxford looking at the impact of Mathletics on Key Stage 2 SATs results found that where pupils complete 3+ activities in Mathletics per week (which equates to as little as 20 minutes), there is a significant uplift in SATs attainment across the board (for Level 4, Levels 5 & 6 and also for FSM/Pupil Premium children). Please visit for the full report.

Mathletics contains 1,200 curriculum aligned activities along with courses, eBooks and videos to develop mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. It also offers in-built assessment and diagnostic reporting tools for teachers and can be accessed on PCs and tablet devices, in school and at home.

3P Learning’s Reading Eggs resource is highly engaging, designed to teach children how to read and also to promote and develop a love of reading – a concept proven to improve educational outcomes throughout life.

With 120 phonics and 200 comprehension lessons; a library of 2,000 eBooks incorporating comprehension tests; areas to develop creative writing; teacher tools including lesson plans and reporting as well as online spelling, punctuation and grammar games, Reading Eggs provides teachers with everything needed to raise the profile of reading and cultivate high standards of literacy.

3P Learning’s Spellodrome resource helps children to develop their spelling, writing and communication skills, supporting learners in the ‘GPS’ (or SPAG) elements of the new English curriculum. The new national test in grammar, punctuation and spelling at Key Stage 2 combined with the new programme of study for English pose significant challenges to schools and their teaching of technical English. Spellodrome offers teachers curriculum-aligned word lists for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, a library of worksheets that focus on spelling practice, grammar and punctuation; activities based on teachers’ word lists; tools to develop writing skills and online standard benchmarking tests.

IntoScience is a ground-breaking leap forward in secondary school science education. Through hugely engaging 3D environments, virtual experiments and deep contextual activities, learners can expand their learning through inquiry, knowledge, application and reasoning.

IntoScience brings the theory of science to life in a way no book or other resource can. From playing basketball on the moon to discovering differences between weight and mass, crashing a car to learn about friction or exploring virtual Asian woodland to learn about the taxonomy hierarchy, IntoScience offers experiences for learning which are out of this world, yet remain true to the principles of science. It is not designed to replace experiments but brings the enthusiasm and passion which pupils have doing experiments, to the learning of the theory behind those experiments and the scientific concepts involved.

For more information on 3P Learning’s digital resources,

please visit