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BESA publishes Learning After Lockdown support pack for schools


Tuesday, 14 July


Julia Garvey


Press Release


As schools make preparations for the start of the new school year in September, the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA) has today published guidance to support schools’ plans for the safe return of their staff and pupils. 

BESA’s ‘Learning after Lockdown’ brochure contains case studies and tips gathered from schools where BESA member companies have worked to support headteachers and senior leaders as they prepare to reopen schools to students, and covers key areas including creating socially distanced environments, blended learning, mental health, hygiene and wellbeing, and supporting a return to the curriculum. 

Learning after Lockdown, available to download below, is in addition to more than £30m of free support and resources that BESA members provided schools during the height of the school closure period from March to June 2020.  

BESA’s Director General Caroline Wright said:  

“BESA members work in partnership with school leaders up and down the country to support them develop and deliver successful and safe teaching and learning in their own unique school settings. We hope that the case studies contained in our guidance document will help share inspiration and ideas with even more schools as they continue to prepare for the new school term.” 

To discuss this story further, contact: Alexander Shea

Related Downloads

Learning After Lockdown